Author: Hazem Allagui

I am interested in the cryptocurrency industry and blockchain technology, and I try every day to learn and delve more deeply into crypto.

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are a revolutionary innovation. It is also considered the worst economic event in recent years. These are the two most widespread opinions about cryptocurrencies. Which humans have not yet agreed upon. Anyone interested in technology can interact with the two teams on an ongoing basis. Perhaps one of the most important reasons why people disagree about Bitcoin is the extent of profit they have been able to make from it. This is where thousands of people have succeeded in achieving huge fortunes by investing in or mining cryptocurrencies. While millions missed that opportunity. Perhaps one of the…

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Governments in a large number of countries around the world, specifically in the United States of America, confiscate cryptocurrencies. Recently, for example, the United States confiscated $21,000 worth of cryptocurrencies. Where did this money go? The United States sells these cryptocurrencies through open auctions. Just as assets that are confiscated from their owners when crimes related to them are committed are sold. The “Cybercrime Unit” in the “Internal Revenue Service” in America was able to confiscate digital currencies worth 1.2 billion US dollars during the year 2021 alone.As Jarod Koopman, the unit’s director, described it, holding onto cryptocurrencies is like…

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Since 2009 when Bitcoin was introduced to the world, cryptocurrencies have gained value, and today their market capitalization exceeds US$800 billion, experts predict that we will continue to see an increase in the value of cryptocurrencies. While this is welcome news for cryptocurrency traders, hackers looking to get a piece of the pie disrupted the market, stealing users’ logins and funds in 2019, with investors losing $292,665,886 million worth of cryptocurrencies. Security breaches are on the rise, fueling the need for cryptocurrency traders to take extra precautions when using exchanges and storing their cryptocurrencies.Before we look at the security practices…

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The global monetary system has begun to slowly shift towards a deeper digital ecosystem, as the conversation has become increasingly directed towards cryptocurrencies, which are a means of exchanging digital information in its simplest definition. What are cryptocurrencies? Cryptocurrencies are like regular currencies The unique idea behind encouraging the use of digital currencies is the secure encryption method that makes them more reliable. What is the need to use cryptocurrencies? There is no main reason that justifies the idea of using digital currencies in the markets, but with the emergence of Bitcoin and the widespread popularity it has gained, many…

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NFT tokens have become one of the most important technologies used in the world of cryptocurrencies, and the world’s craze for them has increased recently. NFT technology provides the buyer with a non-fungible token that allows them to access unique digital assets. You can think of NFTs as a special key to a rare digital lock that only anyone can access via that key. You can hide anything behind this lock so that you can put art, music files, or even games. But this technology comes with many risks, like all modern technologies, so you must beware of the following…

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The term DeFi emerged in 2013, coinciding with the creation of Ethereum. However, it began to spread and expand between the years 2016 and 2017, with the support of Ethereum on the one hand, and experts and entrepreneurs on the other hand. Decentralized finance, also known by the abbreviation DeFi, represents a wide range of financial applications in the field of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. This is with the main goal of removing boundaries between parties within financial transactions. The vast majority of decentralized finance (DeFi) applications are built on the Ethereum (ETH) network. The largest of these applications is MakerDAO.…

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A large number of non-cryptocurrencies believe that it is only about Bitcoin. This is normal since it is the most popular and most expensive currency. However, many digital currencies compete with Bitcoin for their position and leadership, and the most prominent of them is without a doubt Ethereum. Cryptocurrencies depend on the way they work on blockchain technology. It is a completely decentralized and secure technology. Therefore, Bitcoins or transactions made with them cannot be traced. Despite the similarity in concept and technology used, Ethereum is very different from Bitcoin in many ways, and the reasons for establishing each of…

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Blockchain technology has become very popular in recent years. It contributed to the emergence of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, in addition to being a revolutionary technology in terms of concept and application. It seems that this technology is on its way to reaching the world of social networks. The American billionaire and real estate entrepreneur Frank McCourt plans to invest $100 million in an attempt to rebuild the concepts of social networks, relying on this technology. The project currently bears the name Project Liberty. It aims to make users able to control their social lives more freely and privately, but without…

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When the FBI successfully hacked into the Bitcoin wallet held by Colonial Pipeline hackers by tracing the money’s path through the blockchain, it was a wake-up call to cybercriminals who thought transacting with digital currency automatically protected them from scrutiny. One of the basic principles of Bitcoin is that its public ledger, which stores all transactions in its history, is visible to everyone. This is why more hackers are turning to cryptocurrencies like Dash, ZCash, and Monero, which have additional anonymity built into them. Monero, in particular, has become the cryptocurrency of choice for a growing number of major ransomware…

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There are few technologies today that can spark heated debate on the Internet and confuse the vast majority of the population in the way that the virtual digital currency Bitcoin can.While it has been a constant source of interest and confusion since it propelled itself to the forefront, Bitcoin’s utility is now greater than ever, with its value rising above $60,000. The number of $60,000 is considered a new record reached by the digital currency, and the number of people who invested in it from the beginning and earned huge amounts of money early became millionaires.The biggest question is why…

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