Author: Hazem Allagui

I am interested in the cryptocurrency industry and blockchain technology, and I try every day to learn and delve more deeply into crypto.

Recently, control of the World Wide Web and users data has passed almost completely into the hands of several large companies, but with the advent of the third generation of Web 3.0, which carries a new concept, which is the decentralization of the Web, this situation will be corrected and bring comprehensive changes to the entire field. Moreover, this idea already has supporters among the creators of the Internet, so we will try to understand what is the basis of the term for the third generation of Web 3.0 and what are the differences that distinguish it from its predecessors,…

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Although Bitcoin Cash (BCH) has not been around since August 2017, it is now among the top 20 cryptocurrencies in terms of market cap. If you have already purchased a share of Bitcoin Cash, you may be considering ways to sell it. This guide will provide you with detailed instructions on how to do this. Sell them for Bitcoin or altcoins Since Bitcoin Cash is a relatively new cryptocurrency, there are a very limited number of major international exchanges that support it, especially when it comes to selling it for fiat currencies. It may be easier to trade your Bitcoin…

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Cryptocurrencies are virtual or digital currencies designed to act as a medium of exchange. It uses cryptography to secure and verify transactions as well as to control the creation of new units of any given digital currency. Cryptocurrencies are limited entries in a database that no one can change unless specific conditions are met. History of cryptocurrencies There were many attempts to create a digital currency during the technology boom of the 1990s, with systems such as Flows, Beans, and DigiCash coming to the market but ultimately failing. There were many, many reasons for its failure, such as fraud, financial…

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In front of a noticeable and clear progress witnessed in the technological arena in the field of artificial intelligence since the beginning of the year, especially with the emergence of ChatGPT in late 2022, other applications of artificial intelligence, and more recently, the emergence of the strong competitor to ChatGPT, Bard, which is affiliated with Google. Launching in March 2023. What do you expect the impact of artificial intelligence on the Cryptocurrency environment to be? Before we start answering this question, let’s learn what artificial intelligence is first. What is artificial intelligence? Artificial intelligence, in its simplest concept, can be…

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Businesses around the world are discovering that they are paying to develop and use a Bitcoin strategy – just ask Overstock and Tiger Direct. First, Bitcoin is easy to use, offering fast transactions with lower costs compared to credit cards, among other benefits. Announcing “Bitcoin is accepted here” simply attracts media attention. Bitcoin users will also seek to support any business related to Bitcoin. But how can a family restaurant or small online retailer actually start processing payments using Bitcoin and have a good shot at this profitable venture? 1. Create your Bitcoin address First, you will need a Bitcoin wallet.…

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Imagine that there is an independent vending machine, which gives you the ability to rearrange the goods inside it and allows you to modify the mechanism of its operation, once you enter the money, instead of giving you one of the goods in return. This is roughly how Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAO) work. The main idea behind decentralized autonomous organizations is to create a company or organization that can function completely without hierarchical management. The independent governance model has been popularized in the cryptocurrency community since Bitcoin was able to eliminate intermediaries in financial transactions. How do decentralized autonomous organizations…

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The digital currency Bitcoin is the talk of the hour in countries around the world because it is a new means of payment that people have not known before. It is a decentralized encrypted currency founded by Satoshi Nakamoto, but this technology has still been a source of controversy since its announcement. What is Bitcoin? Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that enables its users to make instant payments to anyone anywhere in the world. Bitcoin uses peer-to-peer technology (P2P) to operate without a central authority: the network manages transfers and issues funds. The first developer of Bitcoin software was…

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The search for the best new digital currencies for storage has become the preoccupation of a large segment of those active in the financial markets recently. Many believe that it bears signs of optimism from all sides, making it the best anatomy that can be described as cheap digital currencies with a future for the next two years 2024 and 2025 to profit from storing these currencies. So what supports the new digital currencies that their best future is through buying them for storage? Before getting to know these currencies, it is worth taking a look at this investment mechanism and knowing what it is intended for. It can be…

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To say that there is an investment field of any kind that is completely safe and free of risks is beyond reason and contradicts the simplest rules of logic. Accordingly, it must be acknowledged that the risks of online trading are a reality that cannot be overlooked or denied. The positive thing, however, is that managing and controlling those risks is readily available and easy to achieve. Here are the most prominent of those risks and the best ways to manage and deal with them safely and effectively. What are the risks of online trading and how do you deal with them? The risks…

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I know you got confused in the last article, all platforms seem worthy to start trading with, but don’t worry I will focus shortly on some factors that will help you choose the best cryptocurrency trading platform for you and your specific circumstances. These are the seven most important factors through which you will be able to choose the best and most suitable trading platform for you: 1. Safety The most important and first thing that you should pay attention to is safety, you should always be careful and vigilant. There are many fraud attempts taking place in the field of cryptocurrency trading in various ways. So before you start…

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